Terror Teds
I get around. Bit of a slag, really. Once, on one of my many travels, I met the good people of Terror Teds who - basically - take a perfectly good teddy bear and fuck it up, making it look horrific in the process (in a good way, I hasten to add). Well, not one to miss a trick, I asked if they wanted to work with me in making some Matt Shaw themed bears. And - because they're clever people - they said 'yes'. These are those bears.
Anyway, I do not sell these myself. I showcase them here for you. You can then go and get them from Terror Teds directly. What I should say, though, is that the bears are all handmade and - as a result - there may be some differences between the bears ordered and the bears received but - if you're worried about this - I would suggest you get in touch with them to find out all the little details. I'm just here showing off.
Prices range from £24.99 to £29.99 - please CONTACT TERROR TEDS for more details.